Let's Talk About Leadership

With my 15 years of experience working with people
in creative industries I offer context
and a proven structure to support your
and your organization's development.

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- Online courses in Scandinavian this spring

Where Would You Like To Start?

Take the next step 

Find out who and where you want to be in your professional life and get the support you need to get there.

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Develop your leadership

Upgrade your leadership skills through courses and coaching and learn to lead creative processes and groups to results.

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Creative organisations

Let us help you with designing processes and competencies to support the creative work in your organisation.

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I'm Thea Mikkelsen

The moment I always look for in my work with leaders and specialists, individuals and groups in the creative industries is the moment when something falls into place. When the complex situation of multisided demands becomes a dilemma that calls for a clear choice.

For the past 15 years I have worked with creative people who want to grow professionally in their individual activities or within organizations. I have seen hundreds of people find their own way forward.

I would be happy to help your and your organisation too.


“With help from Thea’s structured workshops we were exposed to the complex world of management in such a way that each individual leader could easily navigate in it.” 

Lene Dammand Lund, Rector of the Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen 


"We use Thea to strengthen the consultants in understanding the dynamics at stake in collaborating with the applicants. The feedback I receive is that the conversations with Thea give new and valuable understanding in action opportunities in a complicated role and strengthen the consultants in their work."

Claus Ladegaard, CEO of the Danish Film Institute

Thea is incredibly skilled at seeing the challenges, pointing out development goals and driving the creative process forward. She goes straight to the point and makes complicated problems simple. She is one of the best in her field.” 

Miriam Nordgaard, HR manager, The National Museum of Norway 

Courses, Coaching & Community

My step-by-step online tools will help you and your organization form a solid and creative professional platform for ambitious work. 

Professional Development

LAVI Ledelseskursus

Milano Club
For free 

LAK Ledelseskursus 



The online course that helps you take the next step in your professional life.
Find confidence in taking the next step in your professional life - and get help to make the change!
This online course will help you imagine and plan how you will take up your role, develop a business plan and prosperous work relationships while staying connected to your feeling of both purpose and joy. 

Free Community

Milano Club

Join Thea Mikkelsen's online community for free coached group sessions for professional creatives with 5+ years of experience! This is a great opportunity to give your personal professional life a boost and take the first steps into your future potentials.

Become a member


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