Thea Mikkelsen Online


All you need to develop an ambitious and prosporous work life based on creativity!

Thea Mikkelsen Online is our all access platform.

Not many people in the creative industries have a formal education in leadership or entrepreneurship. Yet you will need self-management, stakeholder management and leadership skills to make creative work the foundation of your professional life.  

Join now / 15 euro per month

What you get as a member of
Thea Mikkelsen Online

Thrive and Rise Master Course

Milano Club -
Online Community

Online Coaching Booking

Define - Test - Decide 



Includes 1 member access to

  • "Thrive & Rise" Milano Club's 12 steps Master Course
  • 9 group sessions yearly with Thea Mikkelsen at Milano Club
  • "5 Step Coaching Process" course
  • Access to Milano Club online community
  • Access to online coaching sessions with Thea Mikkelsen for an additional cost.



Includes 1 member access to

  • "Thrive & Rise" Milano Club's 12 steps Master Course
  • 9 group sessions yearly with Thea Mikkelsen at Milano Club
  • "5 Step Coaching Process" course
  • Access to Milano Club online community
  • Access to online coaching sessions with Thea Mikkelsen for an additional cost.
  • "Leading Creativity" skill training courses 

Coming soon

Milano Club Master Course

Thrive and Rise

All the knowledge I have gathered about how to thrive and rise in a professional life in the creative and cultural industries, I have put into this course.

The core of a life based on creativity is the love you have for your work. But for this love to thrive and you to rise with your work you need to built a professional platform around it.
What you need to master is putting into simple words a story about who you are and what you do, your own tailored business plan and the right kind of work relationships as well as a professional network. 

Our Master Course will help you develop:

  • A Personal Professional Narrative
  • A Business Plan
  • A road map to the Professional Relationships you need

When you have been through this master course you will not only have a plan for your next steps but also a methodology to keep developing yourself in your professional life.

Accompanied by Milano Club's 9 group sessions a year, you are sure to move yourself in the direction you want to go.

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Online Community 

Milano Club is Thea Mikkelsen's online community. On the first Wednesday of the month, 9 times a year (excluding July, August & December), members of Thea Mikkelsen Online have the opportunity to meet online with Thea Mikkelsen for a 90-minute structured group session. 

"Milano Club got its name when I was living in Milan, Italy. Having made the decision to move my professional life out of its comfort zone in Copenhagen, Denmark, I realized how important it can be to rethink your professional life to be able to build a platform around the core of your professional interests."

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I'm Thea Mikkelsen

For the past 15 years, I have in my role as a coach and consultant met and worked with every kind of challenge inherent in creative endeavors, both at individual, group, and organizational level. 

To stear your course in a professional life requires reflection and I would love to help you through both the hard and the inspirational considerations necessary to build a sustainable creative platform for your work and life.


Become a member of
Thea Mikkelsen Online

From only 15 euro / month

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