AUGUST 30 - NOVEMBER 15, 2024.

Thrive & Rise

Get ready for the next step in your professional life.


The creative industries experience many changes these years. This opens a window for creative people who want to take a lead.
This course will help you reflect on who you want to be as a professional person and what conditions you need to build around yourself and your work in order to thrive and rise professionally.
Sign up now!

The course is for you if:

  • You feel now is the time to make some changes.
  • You want to create a clear vision of who you aspire to be professionally and how you want to take the next step in your professional life. 
  • You are tired of going in and out of projects without any overall plan for what you want to accomplish.


Help yourself make the change

This is the 12 step online course that everybody who has creativity at the center of their professional life should go through!

This autumn we will help you get all the way through the course and define: 

1. Your personal narrative: The story of you and your work.

2. Your business plan: The plan for how you will create and capture value.

3. Professional relationships: A reflexive map of the relationships you must built around your work.

Describe who you are and what you do

Creative lives can be described in so many ways. The Master Course will help you focus on the narrative that can bring you forward. Defining your personal professional narrative will help you position yourself in the context you need to be part of for your creativity to thrive and to create the professional life you want.

Make a realistic and inspiring business plan 

As a professional creative person you are the project manager of your own work. Creating what you find is a succesful professional platform for yourself and your work requires consideration. The Master Course will help you focus on the possibilities in your field of work and help you design a businessplan fit for both you and your work.

Define what kind of work relationships you need

All professional creative work is carried out in collaborations. Work relationships that give you the right amount of support, inspiration and challenge can take you far. The Master Course will help you get past your comfort zone and focus on adjusting and developing your work relationships and professional network to be fit for your next step.

What you get 

Online Course

✔ The easy to access online modules make it possible for you to work with the content from your phone or computer whenever you have time.

✔ You can watch the modules as many times as you like.

✔ You can pause when you need a break.

✔ You can jump between modules.

 You can access the material from the moment you sign up for the Intensive Course.

Weekly Check-Ins

 Every Friday during the 12 weeks starting August 30 we have live online 30 min. check-ins in the morning at 8.30 AM CET with Thea Mikkelsen and her team.

✔ During check-ins you can ask questions in the chat.

You get inspiration from other course participants.

 You can attend the meeting with the camera on or off.

✔ You can join without having been through the module.

Yes! Sign me up!


The Milano Club Thrive and Rise Master Course will make you imagine and plan how you can take up your role powerful and authentic, organise and focus your work and develop prosporous work relationships while staying connected to your feeling of both purpose and joy.

Secure my spot!

The Thrive and Rise Master Course contains:

  • 12 steps to help you prepare the professional life you want.
  • 12 modules & 11 videos with Thea Mikkelsen.
  • Practical tasks that will help you implement your decissions.
  • Written introduction to the module arriving in your inbox every Monday morning at 8 AM CET during the 12 weeks.
  • Check-in with Thea Mikkelsen and the Milano Club team every Friday morning 8.30-9 AM CET.
Sign up now!

Find pen and paper
and sign up here!

You will never regret having given your professional life some focused attention and yourself a new updated platform for meeting the world with the work you do.

I promise you that you will find new strategies and personal confidence to build the professional creative life you want!

Newsletter With Inspiration From Thea Mikkelsen's Research

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